Even more Avery Street stuff.

1. Recent "infill" house. The house that used to be there was the tiniest house that I ever saw.
2. Don't remember much about this house except that it had an awful smell coming from it, even in the winter.
3. The Fladger house. The house just to the right of it was the Adams house.
4. This staff/faculty parking area was not there when we were.
5. There was a swing set and a "monkey bars" thingy in this area.
6. Location of the basketball court.
7. Location, more or less, of the pitcher's mound in what was then the baseball diamond.
8. Home plate of the baseball diamond.
9. This bank was covered with kudzu.
10. Location of the wooden "temporary" structure in 1952.
11. Some twenty feet to the west of this trailer was the large conifer. The bottom branches almost touched the ground.
12. My very strong sense is that this walkway was not there when we were.
13. View is looking more or less west from the playground. My activities on that playground were mostly confined to the baseball area and down by the creek where it bends towards Missionary Drive.
14. This is the way that I remember the school and playground area the best.

Some images on this page are courtesy of Mr. James Wiley.